
Rice Seedling Dataset 水稻秧苗辨識資料集

Datasets for rice seedling detection model training, validating, testing.

Related Publications

  1. A UAV Open Dataset of Rice Paddies for Deep Learning Practice
    The data descriptor was published on Remote Sensing, MDPI. (open access)

  2. Rice Seedling Detection in UAV Images Using Transfer Learning and Machine Learning
    An application of rice seedling detection using transfer learning was published on Remote Sensing, MDPI. (open access)

MDPI and ACS Style

  1. Yang, M. D.; Tseng, H. H.; Hsu, Y. C.; Yang, C. Y.; Lai, M. H.; Wu, D. H. A UAV Open Dataset of Rice Paddies for Deep Learning Practice. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1358. doi:10.3390/rs13071358
  2. Tseng, H. H.; Yang, M. D.; Saminathan, R.; Hsu, Y. C.; Yang, C. Y.; Wu, D. H. Rice Seedling Detection in UAV Images Using Transfer Learning and Machine Learning. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2837. doi:10.3390/rs14122837


  1. Data Download Link
  2. Dataset of Rice Seedling Classification
  3. Dataset of Rice Seedling Detection

1. Basic Data Information

2018 Orthomosaic image

These three links are the orthomosaic image of paddy No.80, TARI, which were in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826) projection. The images were acquired in three consecutive growing stages in 2018.

Expansion Orthomosaic image (2019-2020)

These 10 links are the orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI, which were in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826) projection. The images were acquired in 2019 and 2020.

Dataset of Rice Seedling Classification (Train-Val)

RiceSeedlingClassification.tgz (uncompressed size 426MB)
This file includes two folders: riceseedling and arableland. Train-val and test datasets are all included.

Dataset of Rice Seedling Detection (Train-Val)

RiceSeedlingDetection.tgz (uncompressed size 19.1MB)
This is a PASCAL VOC format object-detection dataset, which includes two folders: JPEGImaegs and Annotations.

Dataset of Detection Demonstration (Test)

RiceSeedlingDemo.tgz (uncompressed size 48.5MB)
This file contains 8 detection demo images and the corresponging PASCAL VOC xml format annotations.

An overview of the region of different datasets

An overview of image dataset
An overview of the field no. 80 (cyan bounding area) in TARI, Taichung. Image acquired on August 7, 2018. The green bounding area represents the area for training-validation dataset, and the red bounding area represents the subsets for object detection demonstration dataset.

2. Dataset of Rice Seedling Classification

This dataset contains two classes:

  • rice seedling
  • arable land

An overview of image dataset

An overview of image dataset

The number of images used for training, validation, and testing in the rice seedling dataset

Samples of classification dataset

3. Dataset of Rice Seedling Detection

This dataset is used for object-detection model training and validation.

  • PASCAL VOC xml format annotation
  • 3 consecutive mission: Aug 7th, Aug 14th and Aug 23rd
  • 8 subsets
  • 25 samples/subset
  • 600 samples total

Examples of three growth stages of the rice seedling detection dataset

Examples of detection dataset

4. Detection Demo Dataset

This dataset is used for patch-based object-detection scenario.

  • 8 subsets
  • 8m x 8m region
  • 1527 x 1527 pixels
  • PASCAL VOC xml format annotation

An overview of 8 detection demo images

An overview of 8 detection demo images



  • RiceSeedlingClassification.tgz TAR 熱門的

    This file includes two folders: riceseedling and arableland. Train-val and...

  • RiceSeedlingDetection.tgz tgz 熱門的

    Dataset for rice seedling object detection model training, validation....

  • RiceSeedlingDemo.tgz tgz 熱門的

    This tgz file contains 8 detection demo images and the corresponging PASCAL...

  • 2018-08-07_ARI80_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF 熱門的

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.80, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2018-08-14_ARI80_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.80, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2018-08-23_ARI80_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF 熱門的

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.80, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2019-03-26_ARI78_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF 熱門的

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2019-04-02_ARI78_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2019-08-12_ARI78_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2019-08-20_ARI78_20m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-03-12_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-03-17_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-03-26_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-08-12_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-08-18_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 2020-08-25_ARI78_40m_Orthomosaic.tif TIFF

    Orthomosaic image of paddy No.78, TARI. (in TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 (EPSG:3826)...

  • 佚名的資源


作者 曾信鴻
維護者(資料集詢問窗口) 曾信鴻
最後更新 3月 22, 2024, 17:52 (+0800)
建立 3月 19, 2024, 00:26 (+0800)


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更新頻率 定期
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檔案內容 01_OriginImage 原始稻穗影像圖片 Original images 02_PanicleImage 去背後的稻穗影像 remove background panicle images 03_ColorChecker 校正色卡影像(50x50) color checker images...


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地理坐標:每個影像的位置信息,通常使用經度、緯度和高度表示,以方便地理信息系統(GIS)的應用。 影像分辨率:指影像中每個像素代表的現實世界中的實際距離。以米為單位表示。 地面樣本距離:指影像中每個像素代表的地面實際距離。以米為單位表示。 影像類型:指影像的類型,如RGB、紅外線等。 拍攝日期和時間:指拍攝該影像的日期和時間。...


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瀏覽次數 32374
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拍攝儀器:DJI Phantom 4 Pro 地理坐標:每個影像的位置信息可從內容中查看,以經度、緯度和高度表示,以方便地理信息系統(GIS)的應用。 影像分辨率:影像中每個像素代表的現實世界中的實際距離,可從內容中查看。以米為單位表示。 地面樣本距離:影像中每個像素代表的地面實際距離,可從內容中查看。以米為單位表示。...